Menghasilkan Uang Dengan Membuat Produk PLR (Private Label Right)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Setiap hari, sejumlah besar individu mencari produk yang dijual. Orang-orang ini mencari produk yang mereka dapat dijual kembali untuk menghasilkan uang. PLR adalah peluang bisnis yang "panas" sekarang ini. Hal ini karena mereka membolehkan orang lain untuk menghasilkan uang dengan menjual produk yang tidak mereka buat.

Banyak fokus diletakkan pada produk reselling PLR, tetapi bagaimana cara pikir banyak individu adalah bagaimana produk itu dibuat. Kenyataannya adalah bahwa produk ini dibuat oleh manusia nyata, seseorang seperti Anda. Apa artinya ini bagi Anda? Ini berarti jika Anda memiliki bakat atau keterampilan khusus, Anda dapat menggunakan bakat itu, terutama jika Anda memiliki pengalaman sebagai penulis lepas atau freelance pengembang software.

Jika Anda tertarik untuk menghasilkan uang dengan menciptakan produk PLR, Anda harus membuat suatu produk yang akan dijual. Untuk menemukan produk ini, Anda mungkin perlu melakukan sedikit penelitian. Tujuan penelitian harus menemukan niche yang orang-orang membutuhkannya. Anda dapat dengan mudah melakukannya dengan menggunakan internet. Banyaknya jumlah individu dan perusahaan periklanan atau bertanya tentang produk tertentu atau daftar produk. Jika Anda bisa membuat apa yang mereka cari, Anda mendapatkan jalan yang baik untuk menghasilkan uang.

Setelah Anda telah membuat sebuah produk yang ada di dalam permintaan penelitian anda, apakah yang menjadi produk adalah kumpulan artikel, e-book, software atau program, Anda harus beriklan bahwa produk ini dapat untuk dijual kembali. Sebagian besar orang melakukannya dengan membuat sebuah website. Website Anda harus terperinci dan sederhana. Setelah beberapa waktu, calon pembeli akan berkerumun ke website Anda ingin membeli produk anda yang mempunyai hak untuk dijual lagi. Sebelum Anda menjual produk tersebut, anda harus mempersiapkan jawaban beberapa pertanyaan dari calon pembeli. Mungkin pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini berkisar antara harga hak jual produk Anda untuk informasi mengenai produk yang anda miliki.

Sebelum Anda mempublikasikan produk anda untuk dijual, ada beberapa hal penting yang mungkin anda perlu mempertimbangkannya. Ada banyak orang yang membuat produk PLR yang sesuai dengan pembelinya untuk menandatangani kontrak atau paling tidak mengakui kesepakatan. Beberapa kontrak perjanjian adalah bahwaproduk dapat diubah, diiklankan, atau berapa harga untuk dijual.

Salah satu pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanya adalah mengapa penciptaan produk PLR itu tidak untuk dijual sendiri saja? Tentu saja, Anda dapat pasar Anda sendiri dan menjual produk jika anda ingin, tapi mungkin membutuhkan banyak waktu dan bahkan uang. Itulah sebabnya mengapa banyak orang lebih memilih untuk memberikan hak untuk menjual kembali dari produk mereka. Dengan menjual hak untuk produk Anda, Anda akan mendapat keuntungan dari penciptaan tanpa melakukan pekerjaan tambahan.

Ada sejumlah penulis freelance yang berbeda dan desainer software yang telah sukses dengan menciptakan produk dan kemudian menawarkan hak penjualan kembali. Dengan sedikit kerja keras dan tekad, Anda dapat menemukan kesuksesan yang sama.

sumber :

What Are Private Label Rights?

If your new to all the hype and commotion, and don't know what Private Label Rights are, here is a concise explanation.

Private label rights give you total rights to products such as software, articles and eBooks. Unlike resell rights, where you have the right to sell a product, but not change it in any way, private label rights afford you the right to change the product in any way you like and claim it for your own.

In other words you can modify the product as you like. You can include links to your products or affiliate products, change or add any graphics you wish, edit or use the existing content as is and ultimately put your name on the product as the originator.

So what will you do? Well, if your like most of us and don't have a great deal of time at your disposal, you'll grab some of these products and build your business faster than you ever thought possible!

It really isn't as easy as just pasting your name on a product and going to market. There is work involved if you really plan to brand yourself, offer products that will stand up to the competition, and build a long-term business.

Yes, there is work to be done but not half as much as if you started at the beginning from concept to finished product.

Private label rights products can include text, graphics and Source Codes, depending on the type of product. Let's take a look at what you can do with these items:

How Do I Use Private Label Rights Products?

With text products such as articles, eBooks or reports, you can split the material into sections and create eCourses. You can use several articles and make an eBook, or vice-versa. Text items can be used for viral marketing, back-end sales, building traffic or for resale.

Graphical files may be a little more daunting, but if you are familiar with photoshop you shouldn't have a problem.

The Source Code, however, will take some knowledge to modify to your specifications. For myself, I would have to hire a third party for this task. But that's ok too, because software normally sells at a higher price, so adding time and cost to these products will work out fine.

You can now build your business using any or all of these types of private label products, and they are all branded with your name! You can mix and match them in any way you choose. You can even build a web page with the raw text. Sooo many possibilities...

For more ideas visit Tips on how to use Private Label Content

Many of the packages and membership sites that are popping up offering private label rights items include raw text, graphics and source codes so it's easier than you think to make changes. Some of them even supply sales letters and autoresponder series.

Mengenal PLR (Private Label Right)

PLR (Private Label Right) adalah hak memberi label pribadi pada suatu produk baik produk informasi maupun software. Label pribadi artinya kita bisa mencantumkan nama kita pada produk tersebut penulis. Apakah ini legal? Tentu saja karena si penulis atau pembuat software memang sengaja membuat produk ini dengan maksud memberikan hak memberi label pribadi kepada pembelinya.

Strategi 10 Pips Pada Trading Forex

Strategi 10 pips pada trading forex ini salah satu manajemen uang yang bisa anda terapkan pada bisnis forex anda.

Saya sudah sering mencoba strategi ini, memang kesannya kok seperti uang recehan tapi jika anda trading 1 lot itu berarti sekitar 100 dollar.

Strategi ini dipakai pada timeframe H1 , bisa anda gunakan pada timeframe 15 menit atau 30 menit tergantung apa yang menjadi favorit anda.

Jika anda sudah ambil posisi open baik buy maupun sell dan set stop loss serta target profit dengan perbandingan 1:2 maka tunggu pergerakan harganya.

Jika perbandingan 1:2 adalah 40:80 maka jika sudah mencapai 40 pips sebaiknya siapkan running pips, yang stop loss anda setting menjadi +10 pips sedangkan yang target profit anda tambahkan 10 pips menjadi +90 dan terus lakukan itu setiap penambahan 10 pips hingga mencapai target profit anda +80 atau mencapai stop loss positif anda dikarenakan news besar atau koreksi besar.

Dengan keadaan seperti ini , semua trading anda akan terhindar dari stop loss yang besar -40 dengan syarat memang paling tidak pergerakan harga anda sudah mencapai +30 sampai +40. Selamat mencobanya.

Do You Make These Mistakes With Affiliate Marketing?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Affiliate Marketing is a very lucrative business online, especially where it concerns Affiliate Internet Marketing.

Today I bring you some rare and everyday mistakes that are keeping you from making a killing with affiliate marketing.

The most common mistakes made by most online marketers :

1) You build a really flashy website and is wondering why your not making commissions.

Well, I do believe this one belongs in the number one position, because, it's the killer amongst new comers to the affiliate marketing game.

Don't believe that if you build it, they will come. Your visitors have to know where your website is, and online as well as offline, you have to do some kind of promotions.

Just don't build it, but go out and educate yourself about what it really takes to make it with affiliate marketing.

The points that follows, will give you ideas for getting yourself known as an expert in your field of expertise.

2) Not Posting And Hanging Out In The Forums.

Do you know that all of the top marketers online can be found in some forum online. Yes, it's true.

The forums are where you can go to post questions pertaining to your problems. It doesn't matter what the topic is, you can find a forum online that meets your needs.

There are huge archives of posted questions from other marketers that you can browse through. The forums are where you can go to post questions pertaining to your problems. It doesn't matter what the topic is, you can find a forum online that meets your needs.

Do you know that one very informative topic on a high traffic forum can generate 500 or more hits that same day?

3) Your Not Promoting Any Big Ticket Items.

Now, don't get me wrong here, I am saying that you should promote both high-end as well as low priced products.

But, the tough part is that you need to sell many more low priced products to make a $100 dollars, while selling just one high end product gets the same results.

4) Thinking That You Don't Need To Know Any SEO Tricks.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization is not as difficult as it seems. I am by no means a search engine expert, but I do know what is needed for optimizing my pages so that I can still benefit from all the FREE Search Engine traffic.

Go out and get yourself a SEO book, you only need one, they are all very similar. You just need to know how to write pages that the search engines loves.

5) Never, Posting Articles To The Articles Directories Online.

When I realized the power of posting articles, I was stunned by the amount of traffic I was receiving fro just one article I posted.

Just start by posting a article per week, you will be generating a constant ever increasing flow of visitors to your websites.

6) Not Building You List And Automating The Follow-Up process.

As the saying goes "The Money Lies In Your List". That is so true, if you can build a small list, you will be able to start making money with a list of just 500 members.

That is why your online business can't survive without a automatic responder. If you can't capture your visitors once they are on your site, then they are gone, lost in cyber space, off to the next web site that can solve their problem.

7) Your Not Involved With A Network Marketing Program Online.

I can hear your cries, but If you followed the 6 points described earlier, you will now finally understand why network marketing goes hand in hand with affiliate marketing.

Most, if not all online marketers use some kind of automatic responder or ad tracker service that has a residual program. That is the way to get some residual income from your list while promoting your ad tracker or automatic responder.

If, your not with an ad tracker or automatic responder service that pays residual income, then your loosing affiliate commissions.

Ask yourself, what can implement now from this article?

I do hope you can be honest with yourself and realize why your not making it with affiliate marketing, now, go out there and build your list. Just do something different.

About The Author

Alexander Marlin, Ebenezer St. Maarten A.N.
Is a firm believer that you can reduce the cost to build a website by using the cheapest hosting online.

Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Today

Friday, July 17, 2009

Becoming an affiliate partner is an indispensable part in your effort to make money blogging. This is particularly true for first-time bloggers who have yet to attract enough traffic to their sites, or for those whose blogs still don’t have enough clout to sell advertising space.

First things first, however. What exactly does it mean to be an affiliate? When you sign up for an affiliate program, you agree to drive traffic to your partner’s site or sell products in exchange for a commission. Affiliate programs like these abound; some of the most popular ones include Google Adsense, Associates, Clickbank, and Azoogle.

Given all these, however, affiliate marketing isn’t exactly the instant way to make money online. Always, the challenge is to encourage people to click through to your affiliate’s website or offer page. After all, some people couldn’t care less about the sort of advertising on your site, or what those banners on your home page have to offer to them. And yet there are marketing strategies that you can implement to ensure that you’re doing justice to your affiliate program and coming up with as much profit as you can. Read on to find out how you can be a successful affiliate partner!

1. Keep it simple:

Over time, it’s become more and more obvious that glitzy banners and flashy ads on your site don’t do as well as advertising that comes in the simple form of links. In other words, people are most likely to respond to an ad if it’s subtle and non-invasive, which is exactly what an ad link is like. Not just that – the difficulty with banners is that they sometimes take forever to load, especially if they require a demanding program to run successfully. Go with the simpler format, and your ads are likely to get much more attention and click-throughs than your banner ads.

2. Tie your affiliate program and your blog niche together:

Your advertisements should also strive to be relevant to your blog’s specific niche. Sure, you have all the freedom to put up ads for luxury cars on your digital technology website. The problem? You’re targeting the wrong market. Techies and gadget geeks don’t always take a shine to luxury cars, so putting up an ad that won’t be a hit with your audience is practically useless. Instead, go with an affiliate program that matches your readers’ tastes, needs, and preferences. That way, you boost your chances of making a sale at one point or another.

Sign up for multiple programs:

Signing up for multiple affiliate programs expands the possibilities of profit for your blog, so don’t confine yourself to just one program. Take note, however, that having too many ads on your blog can be a turn off to your visitors, so put up just the right amount of advertising on your site. Too little, and you’re not making the most of your blog’s money-making potential. Too much, and you drive your readers away. Strike for the middle ground, and you’re bound to turn up a better profit than you thought you could.

4. Come up with relevant product reviews:

What kind of products will your readers be interested in? Since you’re serving a particular market with your blog, respond to their interests by coming up with product evaluations that can help them make better purchases. And we aren’t just talking about any old review here – instead, we’re referring to a commissioned review from places like, where a blogger can get paid for evaluating a specific product. Not only do you get to help your readers – you also stand to earn money for your efforts!

It’s not too hard to figure out how affiliate marketing works, or what it takes to be a good affiliate. Refining your strategy with affiliate programs is just one of the better ways to make money blogging, and when it’s used prudently and wisely with your existing marketing strategy, your blog is bound to go places.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Apa salahnya kalau berinternetan sambil mencari duit di dunia maya, jika dirumah punya koneksi internet yang bisa dipakai secara nonstop maka anda merupakan salah satu orang yang beruntung, kenapa punya koneksi internet di rumah tidak dipakai buat mencari duit ?, nah maksimalkanlah internet anda di rumah di mulai dari sekarang hehehe, toh mencari duit bukan hanya di dunia nyata tapi bisa juga di dunia maya sambil duduk-duduk di depan komputer. Kata orang bule Time Is Money, tak salah memang pribahasa itu, dimana kita setiap hari berinternetan sambil chatting dan main di blog sudah pasti kita membuang sejumlah tenaga dan duit, maka pribahasanya menjadi Time is sambil kongkow, hahahah hihihihi hasilnya NOL=capek dech(.
Mengikuti Adsense google memang memerlukan kesabaran yang luar biasa, untuk bisa mendapatkan cek dollar, aku memang mengikuti adsense google, selama bekerjasama dengan paman google penghasilanku belum memuaskan dan belum mendapat dollar atau cek dollar dari om google, karena blogku kurang di update dan kurang promosi, kendala utama dalam mengikuti adsense google tidak adanya jaringan internet di rumah dan bahasa inggrisku hancur berantakan serta isi blog hasil copy vaste, nah copy vaste ini yang kurang disukai sama Bibi Google maunya tuh postingan original.
Selama mengikuti adsense google kadang-kadang dalam sehari aku dapat $1-$2 dollar nah ini yang aku suka tapi kadang-kadang juga dalam sehari aku dapat $0,01-0,02 huh sebelnya hehehe.
Bagi yang punya koneksi internet di rumah dan menguasai bahasa inggris ada baiknya mengikuti adsense google dan bagi yang kurang mengerti bahasa inggris silahkan juga ikutan tinggal copy vaste kaya aku neh coba lihat blog aku rata-rata hasil copy vaste : dan dan lagi dan tambah lagi, nah itu ada 4 blog hasil copy vaste.
Jika Berminat Silahkan bergabung bersama google adsense bermainlah dengan jujur bersama bibi google jangan pernah curang untuk bermain dengan paman google nanti blog kau di buang kelaut sana alias PHK alias di banned
Untuk syarat2 dan kurang mengertinya tentang adsense google silahkan search di dikotak tante google, aku tidak begitu master tentang adsense.
Mencari rupiah dalam negeri bergabung di sini : minimal punya blog di multiply, wordpress,blogspot serta friendster. my.opera ga bisa euy